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Patients & Visitors
Patient Focused Care

Wiregrass Medical Center is built for patient focused care. Our patients have access to advanced technology in a hospital specially designed for their treatment and recovery. From admission until discharge, patient care focuses on personal needs, comfort and convenience.

WMC Employment

Wiregrass Medical Center is a 67 acute care bed hospital, a Nursing Home with 96 beds, and a Sr. Care Unit with 16 beds. Being part of the community has been an important goal throughout the years, and with your help and loyalty we can continue to provide health services that you can depend on.

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The symptoms of COVID-19 include:



Difficulty Breathing

If you have these symptoms AND:

You have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or

If you have recently travelled to an area with an outbreak or

You have recently been in a mass gathering where there are people who may have traveled (such as an international airport)

Your suspicion that you may have COVID-19 is reasonable.

What to do:

Call ahead to a healthcare professional and tell them your symptoms and your reasons for thinking you may have COVID-19, recent contact and recent travel. The healthcare professional will work with you and your State Public Health Department and CDC to determine if you need to be tested for COVID-19.

Stay home if your symptoms are mild and isolate yourself from other people and pets.

If your symptoms worsen and you have difficulty breathing seek medical attention. Call ahead.

· Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue. Throw tissue in a lined trash can and wash your hands immediately with soap and water use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

· Keep your hands away from your face.

· Practice social distancing. Stay 6-8 feet away from others.